Hello, blogger world. I've finally decided to try and do this blogging thing once and for all. I have no idea how these things are supposed to go, so bear with me. I guess I'm supposed to introduce myself, so I've decided to do a long, drawn-out, kind of boring post about how Dimas & I got to where we are right now. So, without further ado, here is what our life has been like as a married couple thus far:
January 1, 2005: Tied the proverbial knot. I was 23 and he was 25 at the time, and he had just joined the Army. We got married on the Riverwalk in San Antonio, TX during his Christmas exodus from "boot camp." (Que romantico!)
January 3, 2005: He went back to finish up his basic training in GA, and I began my final semester of college. Woo hoo...fun times. He graduated at the end of January, and I drove up with his family to see him for like 2 days.
June something, 2005: I graduate from college (go me!) and Dimas graduates from AIT in AZ (go him!). I fly out to see him graduate and we drive with his family up to Vegas (go fun!) to spend a few days with his mom & sis. We then flew our little selves back to San Antonio to pick up my car and few personal belongings and drove the 15 hours to Colorado Springs, CO...his first duty station. We live in peace for a few months, and then...
November 28, 2005: Dimas deploys in support of OIF. For a year. No fair. And to top it off, it was like 5 degrees the night he left. I'll have to figure out how to put pictures up. Somewhere in the months leading up to his deployment he did a month-long training at NTC (which he hated) and I got my appendix removed. I thought that was worth mentioning. Oh, and Dimas bought a $1500 Isuzu Trooper, which he still has and loves dearly. I move back to my dad's house in San Antonio and work for the IRS. It only makes fiscal sense.
May something, 2006: Dimas comes home for mid-tour leave. Yay. Unfortunately, my grandpa passed away and a family member had a premature baby which didn't survive, so it was also a very hard time for me & my family. It was great to see him, though, and there were some fun times. Las Vegas (again) and my college roommate's wedding were a couple of highlights. Oh, and we bought our first new car together....the inFAMOUS Subaru Forester (or as we dubbed it, the "Boobadoo"). He was home for a few weeks.
September 2006: I head back to Colorado Springs to wait for Dimas' return, with the help of my mom and some of her friends. I get a little apartment and have little furniture, but Dimas' sister came out to visit with me and it cured me of the lonlies. She also helped me pick out a couch, which I would've been useless at doing on my own.
November something, 2006: Dimas comes home, safe and sound! Thank the heavens! We both had to adjust, but we did and all went well.
February something, 2007: We adopt the Yuna Cat from the Humane Society. She almost dies of an URI, but instead she lives and becomes the world's most spoiled cat.
May 2007: This is unexplainable. We buy our first house in Colorado Springs, CO, knowing full well it's a silly thing to do. We do it anyway and live to (sort of) regret it, because.....
September 2007: Dimas gets orders to PCS to Monterey, CA, and he has two weeks to get there! Yikes! We were in a frenzy, but we eventually got the house rented out and somehow made the move to beautiful Monterey, CA. This was a blessing, because had he not gotten the orders, he would've deployed right back to Iraq with the rest of his unit (poor guys and gals).
October 2007: I get a job working with the City of Monterey. Dimas learns Spanish at DLI. All is well, except Monterey's boring. Pretty. But boring. For us anyway. Other things happen...I make some good friends, a Disneyland trip happens, I see the most beautiful beaches I've ever seen....so all in all it was enjoyable. Which brings us to:
August 2008: Dimas graduated from DLI in July and officially knows Spanish now! He got orders to PCS to Ft. Lewis, WA so I quit my job and we made the trek two states northward. Turns out I really miss that foggy old town...Monterey...but I'm sure I'll learn to like WA as well. We have an apartment and are enjoying our time together. I'm job-hunting and Dimas is busy leading a squad of 6 soldiers, because he's an NCO now. :) Life has been good for us and we're thankful for every day we have together. Awww....
So there you have it. Now that you're all caught up, I'll try and keep this thing updated with new adventures and happenings and/or just my random thoughts about the world at large. I have a lot of those, so brace yourselves. Take care, all.
Yours truly,