Has it really been almost a month since I last posted? Sheesh.....time is very sneaky these days.
If you're all about the latest news, I have some for you! I FINALLY got confirmation about my new job....unfortunately, it's "confidential," so I officially get to start acting all squirrelly for no real reason. I have no idea how to spell squirrelly.
Additionally, my surgery awaits me tomorrow at 6:30 a.m. (poor Dimas...he thought he was gonna get to sleep in). I know it's weird, but I'm actually looking forward to it. It should provide me with some answers as to what, if anything, is going on with me. I went to my pre-op appointment on Monday and was doing the whole Army "hurry up and wait" thing for five loooong hours. Things like that really give me a renewed appreciation for what these guys have to deal with on a daily basis.
As if the upcoming move and surgery weren't enough in the "exciting happenings" category, Dimas' family will be here on the 25th...just in time for Thanksgiving! Somehow, we always find a way to spend Thanksgiving with family, which is awesome. I hope I'm recovered enough by then to be up and about and show them a decent time while they're here, because Dimas will have a 24-hour CQ rotation at least once during their stay.
THEN, my MOM will be here on Dec. 5th and I'll get to spend 3 whole days with her! Yes, that's right - she's coming on a 20 hour flight all the way from the land of the Swiss. And she's bringing chocolates. Gotta love her! I can't wait to see her and am SO, SO excited!
We'll be making the eastward trek on Dec. 11th, and we have to make it by Dec. 15th. I have no idea how that will all work out, but I have faith that it will. Here's hoping that we can come to a peace agreement with all blizzards.
Take care and I'll probably see you here in a month!