Getting to 21 weeks is no small feat, I tell you. I never realized how hard pregnancy is until I found out how hard pregnancy is! I could definitely complain about various aches and pains daily on here, but I've decided to spare you all the pregnant person crabbiness. It's definitely giving me a new appreciation not only for my mom, but for EVERY mom. Happy belated mother's day, all you moms and moms-to-be out there! You all deserve a very flavorful cake with buttercream icing and some sort of fancy cream in the middle......cool whip?
And, in case you were wondering, I'm aware that I'm getting quite large around the middle. I'm pretty sure that sometime in between my last ultrasound and now, a second baby has grown in there....there's really no other logical explanation. I can still see my feet though! Just have to bend a little farther or peer from around the baby holding device that was once a waistline. I really think my camera makes me look bigger than I really am, but maybe I'm just bigger than I think I am! :)
I still have a lot of pictures to post, but I'm waiting for my training instructor to give me a disk of the photos she took at graduation. Until then, hopefully a new picture and late mother's day wish will suffice. I love you all!
Unless I don't know you, in which case...probably not.