and painful. And dumb and other such things. I'm in between contractions and they surely do hurt....sad thing is I know that I haven't seen nothin' yet. I'm lucky that I'm able to be up and about...in a rocking chair right now and it really does help. I recommend natural labor (so far!) Probably not so much in the next few hours. Oh, I snuck in a little donut at about 7am...I feel sneaky but I was soooo hungry. Anyway, I look like crap and don't even care! :D
Dimas is being wonderful, as I knew he would be. My mom is awesome and helpful and momlike. He's taking a slight nap right now, while he still can. Gonna try and do the same.
Love you all, we'll keep you updated!
I love the title alone. I know it can be really long...it's a tough job, mama!