A couple of days ago I had my 3rd appointment at my then-RE's office. After not seeing the doctor for two out of three visits, I decided to give them my notice, so to speak. Anyway, it went a bit like this:
Nurse 1: Go ahead and get undressed and have a seat on the table. He'll be in in just a minute.
Me: Great.
<5 minutes later>
Nurse 2: Hiiiii, Crystal. How are you dooooing today?
Me: Fine.
Nurse 2: Well, you have a polyp.
Me: I know.
The details are way too boring to warrant continuing that narrative, so I won't bother. Basically, she sits on a chair and looks through my medical record thing while I ask questions as to the size of the polyp (a "small" 20mm [that is in fact not small at all], what the implications are (impeding or preventing implantation aka pregnancy) and what the next step(s) is/are.
The doctor has not been there to a) diagnosis the polyp b) explain the polyp and all of its polyp-y problems or c) tell me he is going to schedule surgery.
That's right. Surgery.
Which I figured. I figured they'd want the polyp out. I want the polyp out. But he did not even come in to tell me what the surgery would entail, whether he would just perform a polypectomy or a D&C as well, what the risks are or how to prepare. Also, the nurse told me he'd be performing a laparoscopy as well due to my history of endometriosis.
I've had a lap or two in my day. Not the worst surgery in the world by a long shot, but it's a lot more invasive than a simple hysteroscopy and polypectomy. So, two surgeries jumbled into one. No thanks.
I may have moved forward had he actually desired to keep me informed and speak with me directly so that, together, we could make a decision as to how to move forward. He did not even come CLOSE to doing this.
If you're in the Tucson area and need a reproductive endocrinologist, I recommend staying away from Dr. Gelety's office. Everyone's friendly enough. I even liked Dr. Gelety the one time I spoke with him. But I am not the kind of patient who likes to be kept in the dark or uninformed about anything, and I felt like that was exactly what this practice was doing. Maybe it was bad luck or bad timing with my appointments. Frankly, I don't care. I won't be going back.
I spoke with my RE from almost 4 years ago, and he got back to me quickly and gave his thoughts on my situation and also recommended a colleague of his in Phoenix. I have my first consultation next week. :) Not sure if I'm going forward with one or both surgeries, but I hope to make that decision along with my next doctor/surgeon, and not simply be told it's going to happen by a nurse.
Nothing against nurses! I love them and if I felt I had any aptitude at sticking people with needles and other things, I might've wanted to be one myself.
On another note, if you or your spousal person happen to be in the Army and happen to be stationed at Ft. Lewis and happen to be dealing with infertility, I can not recommend highly enough the fertility clinic at Madigan Army Medical Center, particularly Dr. Richard O. Burney. He and his staff are the reason I get to see this (or a version thereof) every single day:
Quite literally...they enabled me to have my sweet son and subsequent angel daughter. I'm sure God played a big part, too. I'm fairly certain God put me in Dr. Burney's hands. He and his team were a Godsend for me.
Anyway, I'm not looking forward to surgery, but it if helps in this whole next ttc chapter, it will be more than worth it. Onward!
Also, I'm sort of kind of hoping I'm pregnant right now so that I can avoid having things cut and such I'll know for sure in just a few days and I'm hoping I am I hate waiting to poas and if you've spent any time on any ttc forum you know exactly what I'm talking about omg I hope I'm pregnant this cycle that would be awesome! I'm 6 dpo. :)
I'm glad you started posting again! And I love the tiny font at the end of this post. :-)