Sunday, July 22, 2012

CD 10

It's Sunday.  So that's nice.

In other news, it's cycle day 10 and I'm feeling all kinds of okay.  The birth control pills are making my life less unpleasant now, for the most part.  Well, with the exception of gaining 3 pounds of abdominal bloating grossness in a week.  That's a nice touch, synthetic hormones.  I *thought* they were clearing up my acne and occasional facial hair...sooo embarrassing...but, it's all back in full swing.  Yay.

Too much medical stuff about to happen in the next 2 weeks, and I am ready for it to be done. and. over. with.  Tuesday, especially, can not come fast enough.  I have my HSG and pre-op appointment in Phoenix (about a 3 - 4 hour drive, depending on how lazy we are with speed and such).  Am I nervous about it, you ask?  Well, I hear the pain is unbearable and keep reading these horrible stories of women passing out/throwing up/etc....but, nah.  I think it'll be fine.  On the other hand, I am very tired of my proverbial lady parts being on display for any and everyone with your run of the mill medical degree.  My poor uterus.  Nobody cuts it any slack.

I'm suddenly reminded of my "How to get pregnant" series that I never finished.  Which makes a lot of sense, actually, because I am apparently not the expert.  I can tell you how NOT to get pregnant, though:  have a polyp in your uterus and take birth control pills.  Also, just for added protection, try not to shower too much.

You're welcome.

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