So, I think I'm finally done with all my medical junk for the time being.
I had my post-op appointment with the fertility folks in Phoenix on Monday, and it went swimmingly. Dr. Awesome went over all my pathology results and bloodwork results - I am apparently disease-free and my uterus stuff is all kinds of benign. So I couldn't be happier. I did have a real-life, actual polyp - only it wasn't as large as we thought. Still, the doc said it could've affected implantation and he's hopeful for all of our trying to conceive endeavors. He gave me the green light to try this month, and said we should seek further care in San Antonio around October/November if it hasn't happened naturally. Hoping we won't need to, especially since we won't be able to....
Then, YESTERDAY, I had an excisional breast biopsy, which is all part of the much-ado-about-nothing medical junk I've been dealing with. The breast surgeon isn't concerned at all, but I moved forward with taking the darn lump out so I never have to worry about it again. (She took out a lump with some surrounding tissue.) My post-op is next week and I'm really not worried at all. Just a little scared to remove the bandage from the ol' boob this morning and see the damage. It hurts a bit, but nothing major. It was pretty weird hearing "snipping" going on in my breast, though. Never wanted (or needed) a breast reduction. =P
Still dealing with the moving stuff. The yard sale was an absolute success - we made over $400! Still have some left-overs that I'm either trying to sell on craigslist or going to donate.
Oh my God, this is so boring.
Until next time! Ever's doing great, by the way. Although, and maybe this is typical 3-year-old behavior, he's becoming just a little bit more.....mean. He'll say things like "I don't like you" or "No, go away." Which is pretty unlike him. I realize that I say "I don't like THAT" a lot when he, you know, does something I don't like, so maybe I need to reword. Shrug. These little ones are tricky and, while I love this new personality he's gaining, it's also sad to be leaving his 100% sweet self behind.
I had no idea you guys were going through so much. Makes me feel bad. At least everything seems better now. Feel free to donate any extra stuff to me. Especially if it's video game related.
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to remember Darian at 3 and it's difficult. The only thing I remember is that I thought, "This is my favorite age for him and I wish he could stay this way." But I've thought that every subsequent year since then too. Every year they learn to do more and more and their personality reveals more of itself. Like Darian does so much now. Reading, writing, math, computers. He turns on the computer, logs into his profile and goes to youtube or plays his minecraft without any help. I just had him put on Dirty Jobs using Netflix on the PS3. You can ask him to throw something away and he's so excited that he knows how to do the think you asked he does it without question. His favorite show is Mythbusters, his favorite color is green. He's sensitive about being laughed at and hates it when you talk about his little butt. In short, more fun to come! I wanna see little Ever soon. I haven't seen him since he was birthed.