I turned 15 weeks (well, baby did) yesterday and I honestly feel like time is moving soooo sloooowly, but then again the half-way point isn't too far off. There are a lot of milestones coming up such as the 3rd doctor's appointment, the anatomy ultrasound (hopefully at the end of April!).....and I guess that's pretty much it. Oh! And hopefully the first kicks and whatnot. I've felt some randomly weird feelings, but I don't know if it's baby yet or not.

What this picture should tell you, if anything, is that I need to clean my mirror. I just did it like 2 weeks ago. Stupid mirrors. And, yes, I'm aware that I look like a weird letter "S." Lol.
Anyway, now for the dream part. Last night I had several dreams where I went in to have the gender ultrasound done. They all turned out pretty strange.
Dream #1: I was in this huge hospital that looked more like the subway station in D.C. Naturally, I was lost. My step-sister, Melony, was with me and said, "Here, I'll take the baby to the pediatrician and you go get the ultrasound done." It seemed like a good plan. Kill two birds with one stone and all that. So I somehow got the baby out of my stomach (well, uterus to be more anatomically correct).....I guess it was just like a pouch I could unzip or something....handed her the baby and rushed to my ultrasound appointment. I guess I was running late. When I got there, I told the u/s technician that I didn't have the baby with me at this time. He said that was fine and we'd just have to find out the gender next time. I was so mad! Lol. So then I tried to go find Melony and all I found were a bunch of Chinese restaurants. So weird.
Dream #2: Not a whole lot of extra stuff in this one. I went to get the ultrasound, and they told me I was pregnant with a flower. And it wasn't any kind of metaphor or anything. It was an actual flower. I saw it. It looked a lot like this:
Except without all the grass and stuff. And I know what you're thinking: "Awww, that's pretty. Flowers are nice." Wrong. It was not a nice dream at all....I was so mad and kept thinking to myself, "Well, flowers are all fine and good, but I could've just grown one in a pot and it would've been a lot less trouble."
Dream #3: This one didn't really go anywhere. I was laying there waiting for the guy to tell me "It's a ______!" and all he could do was make fun of me for being skinny. Lol, story of my life. It was just annoying.
Dream #4: I went in for my appt. and there were a TON of people waiting ahead of me. They told me the wait would be at least an hour. So, I went outside and did God knows what, then came in an hour later or so, only everybody was gone! And the u/s technician went to lunch! The receptionist got annoyed to have to put my name back on the "after lunch" list. Boring.
Dream #5: This time I actually had the baby (a girl) and Dimas & I were trying to figure out her middle name. (I think we already have the first name picked out). Well, some random family member.....not quite sure who it was, but it was a male figure....didn't like the names we were thinking about so he took the baby to go get her named himself. I think he had to go to the court house in San Antonio or something. Anyway, so we go to his house to get her and they gave her the middle name "Wilhemina." Lol, I hated it! So, Dimas and I decided to change it. I thought of the name "Rose" and he loved it. I think my step-sister was in this dream too, as that's her middle name. Anyway, there's that. All ended up well I think.
I could probably post a new dream every day....I've been dreaming up a storm! Alright kids....I have to get ready for work. Take care!
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