Tuesday, April 28, 2009

It's a boy!

So, today, April 28th, on Dimas' 30th birthday, we BOTH got a wonderful gift. We found out we're having a baby boy! He's as healthy as can be and measuring perfectly. That's really all we could've asked for...we couldn't be happier! :D

Here are the two u/s pictures I got. The top one is his little face looking at the camera. You can see his little hand just above his head...at one point it looked like he was waving. :) The bottom picture is a pretty good profile shot, where you can see a little bit of "the goods," lol. It's so cool to finally be able to see a baby who looks like a baby!

By the way, his feet were kicking like CRAZY during the whole thing...it was too cute. He was just moving like he had somewhere to be. At one point, he put his little hand over his face....it looked like he was rubbing his eyes in sleepiness. :) I could go on and on....

And Dimas is the BIG 3-0 now! I can't believe it! He's such a wonderful man, husband, and I know he will make the best dad....this little one inside me doesn't yet know how lucky he is to have Dimas as his daddy! I wish I could've spent today with him, but I did manage to send him a balloon bouquet. I also told him to buy himself something nice.....he didn't really want to until I suggested shoes. Lol, the guy loves shopping for sneaks! Anyway, happy birthday, sweetheart! I hope you enjoyed your 20's, and I know your best years are still to come!

My presentation went GREAT, by the way (sheesh, today was a big day). I'm so glad it's over with. I'll be getting some pictures of it next week so you'll get to see me all pregnant and nervous, trying to explain something to a bunch of people. :)

Well, that's all I have for now! I'm gonna buy something blue tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

18 Weeks and Growling

Err, growing I mean. No, on second thought, growling is correct. My stomach is HUNGRY and wants FOOD and wants it RIGHT NOW THIS VERY MINUTE AND FEED ME I'M SO HUNGRY WHY ARE YOU TAKING SO LONG I NEED FOOOOOOD. My stomach is becoming a menace and speaks in run-on sentences.

Now that that's out of the way, you can see pictures. That's right, you lucky people, you get TWO this week! One is my normal facing direction without my face, and I thought I'd "mix it up" with the other and face the other way.

Yep, it's a belly.

I kind of look like a "Who" from the Grinch Who Stole Christmas. I should be that for Halloween. And Dimas too. With a little Who baby in tow.

Apparently, people seem to think that my belly looks like it's holding a little boy. I don't know how they can tell, but we'll find out in a week, we will!!! Woo hoo! And, by the way, my project is not coming along well at all. However, I decided since I find out the gender that same day, I'll just do my presentation and reveal the results at the end! That way, if my presentation sucked, no one will remember or care because they'll be too excited for me.

Sneakiness. :)

I hope everyone reading this is doing great in your respective worlds!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

I almost forgot!

I can't believe I posted a whole blog about goings-on, and I didn't even mention what is probably THE most important thing:

I FINALLY felt the baby move, and it is awesomely cool mixed with a bunch of happiness sprouts grown on the rainbow side of the moon and a dash of hot sauce!

I don't know what he or she is doing in there, but I imagine it's boring so s/he's just trying to keep entertained by wriggling around. It must be strange to not be self aware. Like, you'd probably think to yourself, "Okay, I formed all my major body parts, now what do I do? Just float around in here? Oh, wait, I'm not self aware yet." It probably gets frustrating....poor little thing.

A Blarg

So, believe it or not I've been kind of busy lately, at least by my standards. Even though it's definitely the main part of my life right now, growing a little person isn't the only thing I've been up to. Read on...

A Promotion?!

Yep, I already got promoted, in a "well, sort of" kind of way. Basically, I've been bumped up a full federal grade level, which equals a take home pay of about $200 more a month...which equals awesome! A couple of coworkers and I realized we met the qualifications for the higher grade level, so we spoke with our supervisors about it. They sent the request, along with our transcripts, up the chain of command and voila! Insert dollar signs here.

A Dumb Project?

Sometimes dumb things happen at the federal level. I don't know why. If I did, I'd be the first to tell you, but I don't. One such dumb thing is a presentation I have to do prior to graduation. I know, I know, it's not the biggest deal in the world, but they're making us create a posterboard to go along with our presentation. I haven't made one of those since my elementary school science fair, and even then I'm pretty sure my mom did most of the work. What do I even need to buy for it? Markers? Stencils? Glitter? My topic is "Lifting latent prints from human skin," so I don't see how glitter would even work. I'm just not creative and at a loss. Maybe I'll just draw a big fingerprint and use the thing as a backdrop to my powerpoint. Also, I detest speaking in front of groups, and there are gonna be some higher ups in there, so I'll be interested to see how I do. Anyway, two weeks from now it'll be over with and I can get on with life as I know it.

Upcoming Graduation

Which leads us to May 1st, when I'll be officially graduating from the training portion of my job. Apparently, it's quite the event and they even let us bring family members in the building to attend! Keep in mind, there are people that have worked there 15 - 20 years whose family members have never been allowed in, so it's a really great opportunity. Of course, I don't have anyone to invite, but my instructor said she'll take pictures so I can show all the folks at home. Even THAT is a big deal, as cameras aren't allowed in the building. So, I'm thinking of getting a decently okay, professional dress since my business formal attire looks silly on me. Imagine a Crystal-size blazer, only now all the buttons look like they want to pop off, and that's what I have to work with. Having a balloon for a stomach can get tricky, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Oh, and after our little ceremony thing, we get paraded around the friggin' building so all the employees can check us out.....which is just weird to me! They say it's because they're proud and want to show us off, but I think it's the mildest form of hazing they could get away with...lol. I imagine all the "cougars" working there will be checking out all the young guys and vice versa. It should be funny.

What About Dimas?!

Pssh, don't ask me. He's doing this big, secret training in AZ and SEEMS to be really enjoying it, but I don't have a clue what he's up to in all honesty. I asked him to send me a picture or two so I can post it here, but he really has been too busy to remember. I haven't seen him in two months, which sucks, but we're meeting up in San Antonio in late May and I can not WAIT!

And, of course, more baby stuff...

I had my 3rd Dr.'s appointment last week and it was a little weird for various reasons I don't feel like boring you with, but my uterus is apparently measuring closer to 20 weeks (doc said because I'm "petite"), and the heartbeat was still nice and strong. I have all these blood tests I need to go take, but I'm scared! I'm not needle-phobic by any means, but they are going to need quite a bit of blood (I'm assuming 7 vials minimum for all these tests) and I'm always scared I'll faint afterwards. Not that it would be a big deal, I just don't ever feel like fainting is the right idea. Like, how does a grown adult just lose consciousness in the middle of doing something....like walking, for example? Walking is important and the brain should know that, and instead of going to sleep right then and there, it should wait until the body is in a comfy chair or some other safe haven. Brains. They just don't get it.

In other, less scary news, I have my anatomy ultrasound scheduled for April 28th! Dimas' 30th birthday! And, no, it wasn't a coincidence. I asked and I received, thankfully. :) I am as excited as you can imagine....unfortunately, that dumb presentation I mentioned earlier falls on the same day, so it'll be busy and I'll be lugging around a big old board along with my u/s photos, but I'm still looking forward to the 28th.

"Wanna know the rest? Hey, buy the rights."

Love you all!