Thursday, April 16, 2009

I almost forgot!

I can't believe I posted a whole blog about goings-on, and I didn't even mention what is probably THE most important thing:

I FINALLY felt the baby move, and it is awesomely cool mixed with a bunch of happiness sprouts grown on the rainbow side of the moon and a dash of hot sauce!

I don't know what he or she is doing in there, but I imagine it's boring so s/he's just trying to keep entertained by wriggling around. It must be strange to not be self aware. Like, you'd probably think to yourself, "Okay, I formed all my major body parts, now what do I do? Just float around in here? Oh, wait, I'm not self aware yet." It probably gets frustrating....poor little thing.

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious! Congratulations - there's actually a little Garcia in you. How exciting! Good luck with your project and graduation. Dimas said you guys are having a baby shower in San Antonio. That will be so fun! Make sure you call us after your ultrasound, we're dying to know if Jessica gets a best friend or a boyfriend. :)
