Marbles ----->
That is a much-skinnier version of her current self. There's just much more of her to love nowadays.
But, yeah, she is not exactly the street-smart variety of cat. She's indoor-only, which is a very good thing. Except for when she escapes. Or, rather, escaped. Once. Yesterday. During the Super Bowl.
The Giants won, by the way. Don't know if anyone knows that. Madonna happened. I guess another, less famous/less attractive singer threw the bird at America. Kind of rude, I suppose. But I'm over it. Moved on. That is what I got from the Super Bowl.
We had friends over and, if you know Marbles, which you never will, she does NOT come out of hiding when any other person in the world is at our house. She's the scardiest of the scared, the poor thing. So, I saw absolutely nothing wrong with leaving the back door open while the kids played outside.
Poor, stupid me.
Right around 9:30pm, oh about......5 hours after said door had been left open, I realized Marbles was MIA. We did the calling, shaking the bag of food thing...nada. Yuna was sure there, though. And expecting food.
I realize how absolutely stupidly confusing that picture is. I can assure you that is, in fact, Yuna. Pay no mind to the big, cute letters that state otherwise. No time to explain how that came about. This is Yuna and she loves everyone. Especially people who hate cats.
So, in total darkness since our back porch light went out a few days ago and I am super-lazy about lightbulb replacement, we called outside. In vain, of course. Dimas shrugged and said, "Well, she's gone." I cursed at myself rather loudly. Because I'm a great mother like that.
I was determined to find that cat. I knew that even if she made it through the night, the ridiculously large crows would eat her for breakfast. Or at least peck her until she had a cat heart attack. I would not let that happen. I put on my husband's jacket and some dressy shoes...nearest available...and grabbed a flashlight. I thought to myself, "Well, I know she's a terrible jumper, so there's no way she made it over these walls."
Yes, my backyard has walls. I actually really like it.
So, I go all "here kitty kitty kitty" around the shed when I see some movement by the back wall. Eureka! She was hiding underneath a bush all along. She is ultra-scared of me and my flashlight, so it takes some coaxing to get her close enough to grab.
When I bring her in, she acts like she has no idea where she is. *Shakes head sadly*. She ate vigorously and then ran to the litter box. The poor thing probably didn't even realize she could do her business outside and held it throughout the entire ordeal.
Sigh. Cats are the weirdest.
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