Happy leap year, internets!
This is about how we've been feeling around here:
Ever came down with strep throat. (Shakes fist angrily at Tucson, particularly that educational, germ filled institution that is the Children's Museum. Squints eyes..."And I thought you could be TRUSTED.") I can not make this paragraph be anything other than centered because I am horrible at blogging. |
I ended up all sinus-infectioned up and Dimas isn't doing much better. We should just board the place up and never allow anyone over again. The germs have won. The fight is over.
I also made this delightful pillow, and I'm somewhat proud of myself. It's the first thing I've ever done on a sewing machine.
It's probably not feeling too great, either.
Ever's doing great on his antibiotics and the strep part is gone. Now we just have to get him to eat and just generally be compatible with life again.
Oh, forget it. I'm just going to center everything from now on. It's more poetic, anyway.
I write in the middle of the page
in the center, even
it makes me look like
I have something eloquent to say
I seriously am not winning this battle...
Alright, well my nose is leaking its lovely contents and it's all getting a little too gross for my comfort. I think we'll survive. The cats are, of course, feeling fantastic and have no problem shoving it in our faces with their playful cuteness and normal appetites.
On the trying to conceive front - not much to report except a big ol' not pregnant...of course not...why would I be pregnant. Nope. Not even a little bit. Thanks for asking. I think I'm going to work on my already-looks-8-weeks-pregnant-but-is-really-just-full-of-bloat-and-laziness belly next month. That way, when I do get pregnant, I can actually take some cute early pregnancy profile shots. Instead of all, "well, here's my 4 week belly picture but no, no this isn't the baby i just ate way too many ding dongs last week and haven't done a sit-up in 2 years."
Oh right, my nose. I must tend to it. Have a great extra day! |
Its Lou- Your pillow came out great! My belly is yuck these days to. It never fully went away after Gabriel. Prob cause I sat on the sofa, ate and cried while waiting for the inevitable. I should prob use the gym membership I pay for. Being a slacker the last to weeks. I hope Ever gets better soon.