Saturday, August 8, 2009

34 Weeks...

And I'm done. I know he needs to stay in there at least a few more weeks, but I'm getting to the really tired and annoyed point. No more pictures, that's for stomach keeps growing in this weird, downward way and I'd have to put a *warning, graphic content* advisory on any pictures from here on out. Also, you would not believe how tired I'm getting. If I stand for too long I feel out of breath. It's abnormal.

And why on earth are infant car seats so heavy? I'm supposed to carry that thing with one hand WITH a 6 - 10lb. infant in it?? I was messing with mine today and got extremely frustrated at the bulkiness of it all. I think it's just one of those days.

Now let me tell you about the baby movements. People always ask, as I put a fist into my side to help relieve the random pain, "Is he kicking?" I always respond with a yes, or a nod, or something in the affirmative way, but I'm lying. I'm not 100% sure what it is he's actually doing, but kicking aint it. It feels like all kinds of elbows and knees trying to make more room in a really cramped space. And I feel really bad for the little guy, I do, but we're both in this together and his thrashing about isn't helping anyone. It just makes me gasp and breathe weird because it always surprises me. Plus it hurts.

What else? Stretch marks.....ugg...I think I'll leave that topic for a strictly female audience. They places I never expected to find them. And they're multiplying.

All the crankiness aside, I'm still in awe over the whole thing and wouldn't trade it for anything. I'm just ready to meet this little creation that Dimas & I concocted. Soon enough, though...right??????


  1. lol I like the honesty and it's very visiual...I can easily imagine your discomfort and his inconsideration for his surroundings, lol. He's gonna be a hyper one like Dimas, I think!! Hahah...maybe he's dancing too? Wonder if he has Dimas' rythm? I guess we'll see soon enough! I wish you could just hybernate until he's more work!

  2. You're defintely almost there. You're not kidding about the car seats weighing a ton. I decided to just carry Jessica everywhere I go. She's only in her car seat in the car. It's a lot easier on my back!

  3. oh, you are so funny. again, i have not been in your situation...yet, but i hope i take all this yucky stuff with a grain of salt and humor like you. You rock and I am so proud of you and happy for you. I got back to town late Monday so I am going to try to send out your gift this weekend. it was so great to talk to you though.
