Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Geez, ridiculous

Poor crystal, she just got finished with an hour-long stress test. Her contractions are more frequent now and she's obviously in a lot of pain. Currently, she's 5-6 cm dilated and 90% effaced and the pain is coming on strong. She's such a trooper, she is still adamant about not using any kind of pain medication. No epidural, nothing. The nurses here came in to say "you go girl" because she's trooping along. In about an hour and a half, they're going to check again. She's walking around the room now, very upset at life. As a matter of fact, she's leaning on a table, swaying back and forth trying to ease the pain in her back and the little pain in her front. We'll keep you posted.


  1. Thanks for the update...looks like it's gettin' real close, that's when it gets so much harder...good for Crystal sticking with her plan. I couldn't and won't do it! I don't care if they knock me out with a club, long as the baby's OK, lol. But go Crystal! Doin' it like our mommas!

  2. Congrats on bringing Ever into the world! Thanks for the updates!
