The male reproductive system, in a nutshell.....Nutshell!
Yes, I could draw a diagram, but I really don't want to.
The male parts are not nearly as mysterious or covert as their female counterparts. Search Google Images for just about anything with SafeSearch off and you are bound to find male parts a-plenty.
{Tip - Don't search Google Images with SafeSearch off. Ever. It's really not healthy.}
So, yes, males have this thing that....uhhh...transforms...when they like someone enough, or are proud of themselves, or buy a new car, or think of buying a new car, or see a car. Or sometimes a motorcycle, if it's loud enough. Also hats.
I really don't know what they do with it on a regular basis, but it does come in very handy for baby-making purposes. {See "inappropriate arrow" in Part 1 of this series for a rough sketch of male anatomy.}
Oh, right! Sperm! Men have like an infinite amount of them, which is somewhat on the unfair side, since women are born with all the eggs they will ever have. All guys have to do is think of sperm and...well, hey, what do you know....more sperm. All of them are the equivalent of concupiscent teenagers.(
They reside in two somewhat-symmetrical "hang-outs." I like to think they take pride in their particular testicle. West Side Story style? I wouldn't know....I've never seen it, but what I'm imagining sure is making me smile.
So, that's more or less it. There may or may not be something called the vans deferens. No one is really sure.
I'm sure there will be a Part 3 at some point. I hope this series actually becomes useful.
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